Monday, July 18, 2011

Markus VS the bee

The sky was full of the sun, and it was time to play outside! Markus loves to play outside... so out he went with his two friends and older sister Emma. they were playing outside for some time when all of the sudden Markus felt a sting right on his forehead! "ow!" he cried, "mommy!!!" he started to cry and went to show his mom his head! "what happened mommy?" Markus' mom looked at his head... "uh oh" she said, "it looks like you got stung by a bee!" he cried out, "a bee!!!" Markus couldn't believe he got stung, his first time ever! the next day Markus was asked if he wanted to play outside, "no, I'm too scared of getting stung again..." Markus' mom looked at him and said "are you just never gonna go outside again?" he looked out the window at the sun, the green grass, the blue sky...and the bees... "I'm not going outside when there are bees out there" he said. so his mom started to think of what she could do to help him with his fear! suddenly it popped into her head! "Markus, get your shoes on, you're coming with me!!" Markus got his shoes on and followed his mom and big sister into the van. "where are we going mommy?" he asked quietly..."well Markus", she said, " we are going to the Bee and Honey place to learn about bees!" said his mom. "noooooo! I'm too scared!!" cried Markus! When they got to the bee place he saw a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other... "whats that mommy?" his mom looked over... "oh, those are the bee hives Markus! that's where they live and make honey!" after a full day at the bee place Markus felt alright about bees... so the next day when his mommy said "lets go outside kids!!" Markus looked out the window, opened the door and ran outside! he wasn't afraid anymore!!! "see mom, cause i learned about what i was scared of, I'm not scared of them anymore!" Markus' mommy looked at him and said, "i always new you would be fine, you are so brave!!"

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